Replacing server with NAS

22 Jun 2005
We currently have a Windows 2012 server for our 5 user office.

After an incident last year where a power cut corrupted the windows installation, I'm looking to eliminate the server as it's wholly un-necessary. We only use it for file storage as everything else is in the cloud.

At the moment for backup we use crashplan, this backs up data to the cloud and versioning is included in case the server gets a cryptolocker virus or similar.

I was thinking to replace the server with a NAS, maybe by QNAP or Synology with 2 or 4 drives in Raid 1 configuration in case of hdd failure. The only thng I am struggling to find is a cloud based backup solution for these drives.
Synology offer hyper backup and cloud sync, will these have versioning in case the files become corrupted and then backed up? Does anyone have experience of these solutions?

After many years of building and configuring Windows Servers, I reached the end of my tether and started a project to eliminate all of our on-site Windows Servers.

I had already been using Synology NAS solutions for backups and decided to see how far I could take NAS to replace all of our Servers.

So far I use Synology NAS for the following:-

File Sharing
CCTV Live & Recording
On-site and off-site hyper backups
WordPress Websites ftp backups

Currently working on moving the following from our Windows Servers to Synology NAS:-

Active Directory Server - which has just been released and I'm currently testing
DHCP Server
DNS Server
VPN Server

Eventually I hope to be left with a single Remote Desktop Windows Server that will be used for running Sage Accounts and I hope to move this to Azure in the next couple of years when our Server hardware needs to be replaced or if Sage create a package to run their software on a Synology NAS, I will move that over as well.
Do you have any information about backup versioning? I don't want to sync, rather a daily backup with versioning facilities.
The thing I wonder then is what if that synology machine gets stolen or stops working after the data has been damaged say after a cyrptolocker or similar.

Can I restore the data to a previous version without a synology or do I need a machine running synology os?

With my current crash plan running on windows I can just install it on any Windows machine and get right back to business.

Just use Synology Hyper Backup Vault to a local or remote NAS - this allows up to 65535 versions of each data file.

Its very easy to setup and there is lost of info on Synology's website.

How do you restore without a synology? I've run a backup to a dropbox account to test using Hyper backup, the files are just a bunch of synology data files, how can I turn these into usable data?
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