Replicating UniFi like remote configuration

16 May 2011
I’m looking to create a web interface to control a camera with gphoto2 on a Raspberry Pi or other Linux machine
The web interface is no problem and getting it to work on a local network is fine. However, I am looking to make it controllable from outside the network without using static IP/Dynamic DNS/VPN services.
I use Ubiquiti's UniFi controller for my home network and am interested in the way that works to allow remote access but I can't figure out exactly how and how I can replicate a similar system.

I can see that it initiates a WebRTC connection but everything I read on WebRTC is about peer to peer messaging and video streaming and I can't figure how it works on a client-server basis if the UniFi controller is even acting as a server?

Can anyone shed some light on where I need to start with this or am I barking up the wrong tree with WebRTC?
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