Repository version is not high enough.

20 Aug 2010
I am trying to install cclive however the version of libquvi is not high enough in my distributions repository, I am not sure if it's any higher at other sources though. So I need to compile from source and install it that way, is this safe? And how do I go about making sure it does not conflict with the version I have currently installed.
So typically when you want to compile code it will include a configuration script which will make sure that the system contains the correct library and dependency versions. It looks like you've come into this problem. Now then, you *can* update the libquvi version within your system but I would recommend making sure that you update this file via your package manager so that it updates and does not conflict with any existing versions.

For example- if your system currently has the latest libquvi (from repo) available, you wouldn't want to over-ride this with a manual download as this could make your layout inconsistent and perhaps give you problems down the line. However, if you can get an RPM (if you're using Fedora, like your signature suggests) you can update the package and still remain consistent with the package manager. Also, if a newer file comes down into the Fedora repo for libquvi it will update it for you.

So, I would check Fedora rawhide repo for the version you need, otherwise see if an RPM is available. If the latter, just run-

sudo yum localinstall /path/to/libquvi-version.rpm

Your RPM database will be updated to reflect this newer version and will not conflict :-) Let me know if you need any further assistance.
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