Requesting Games For Linux Do you want them?

Yeah sorry, no, don't care. I want developers to put their all into windows, not wasting resources on an OS practically nobody uses.
you guys are funny but, ok that's your view

but to show you where what you are forgetting
"Yeah sorry, no, don't care. I want developers to put their all into windows, not wasting resources on an OS practically nobody uses" what like Mac, which sells less games than Linux?

Linux has no place in mainstream gaming. Agree with the above.
ok, but it will be & already is meet Android, mainstream enough for you?? oh and unreal engine 4 works on it :)
Don't care about games being released on Linux at all. I'd rather a better quality game for Windows than a lower quality one for Windows and Linux if I had to choose.

Lol at mentioning Android, Android has nothing to do with this.
Hopefully this will make game developers think twice

An online petition? That won't do a damn thing.

The amount of Linux games has increased, mainly because of a push by Valve. Vulkan will increase the amount of Linux games, but for now it just isn't worth it for most developers.
If it would make them a lot of money, they would consider it. However, I'm sure a small group of basement dwellers aren't going to appear on their radars any time soon. :p
Valve are already doing a reasonable job at increasing linux as a target platform for games, probably going to have more of an effect than any petition.

While more games running on linux would be nice, it only takes me 30 seconds to reboot into windows and I'd rather do that than have a lower quality game.
An online petition? That won't do a damn thing.

The amount of Linux games has increased, mainly because of a push by Valve. Vulkan will increase the amount of Linux games
I agree with this

It's a shame this thread is destined to be full of trolls making silly comments
I'm sure a small group of basement dwellers aren't going to appear on their radars any time soon. :p
wasting resources on an OS practically nobody uses.

Is linux a viable platform for gaming?
(altho for some people a fullscreen console-esque ui might be a help - SteamOS)

There are a lot of posts by developers who make games for linux & windows saying performance with opengl and linux is often faster than windows, even stating less time was spent on optimizing the game.
eg: valve - Faster Zombies!
valve said:
Left 4 Dead 2 is running at 315 FPS on Linux. That the Linux version runs faster than the Windows version (270.6) seems a little counter-intuitive, given the greater amount of time we have spent on the Windows version.

Not really sure why people are saying making a game cross-platform will result in a low quality game :confused: :rolleyes:
I guess it might take a bit more time but that probably depends on the game engine etc (eg: UE4 + source have opengl+directx)
There's also an advantage in having support for android with opengl_es ;)
Lol at mentioning Android, Android has nothing to do with this.
Nope never it diverts resource away from making decent ports and the quality of those recently is getting gradually worse.
you guys are funny but, ok that's your view

but to show you where what you are forgetting
"Yeah sorry, no, don't care. I want developers to put their all into windows, not wasting resources on an OS practically nobody uses" what like Mac, which sells less games than Linux?

Yes, exactly like that. They should stop doing it.

FWIW I use linux. It's a command line and does it's job brilliantly. That job is not playing games.
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If Windows ever goes back to the old days of not having a mobile app store included to enable the new low cost of the OS then perhaps.
Thing is the problem is nothing to do with "making developers think twice" - infact many of the big name developers when PC gaming went mainstream were pro-linux even. There are a lot of reasons why game development for linux is limited and it goes far beyond developers or even publishers being reluctant or lack of development knowledge for the platform or even commercial pressure.
Not interested in the slightest and with windows becoming essentially free, I expect that to hurt Linux install base as well.
However saying that, with steam pushing Linux then that has a much bigger chance than some online petition.
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