Requesting your ever useful opinions! :D

18 Sep 2005
Stumbling home last night I managed (somehow, don't really remember it) to snap this. Touched it up a bit in PS, but am after your opinions on it... Cos' I actually rather like it! :o

Most obvious thing is obviously noise. That hasn't been added in post processing, that's what came out the camera - two reasons i'm loathe to filter it:
losing finer detail
it kind of lends a gritty, dirty feeling to the shot

But what are your opinons on it? (the noise)
and of the shot in general? How would you have processed // taken it differently? (although taken is less relevant - i'm not sure where this was, so can't reproduce it easily :p)

And no, I've not had any sleep O__O


Uhh, well... Errr... The tunnel was a bit wonky... Well, everything was... But that's no excuse for the horizon not being level :s

/wanders off to photoshop...
I like the noise as it serves a purpose, but yes, it's a little bit skewed
if you want to draw the eye in then it does detract from that a bit
difficult subject without firing your flash/getting beaten up ;)
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