Requirements Document

26 Aug 2005
Hi there,

Am currently constructing a requirements document for a website project. However, I am not entirely use which method I should use. For example, the SSADM approach uses tables with benefits, comments, related documents, requirements and resolutions. Alternatively, there is a IEEE standard which is a structured requirements document covering Preface, intro, glossary, user requirements definition, system models, evolution etc. Which approach would you recommend, if any?
whats the project? area? background? its also dependant on who its for too

i would say you should go for IEEE as its more concise. SSADM is more cut down and to the point but may not give the reader all the information they require.
The project is a Requirements Analysis Report based on a Youth Centre requiring a new website. The company is provides a variety of activities, events for young teenagers. Clubs are also organised. Requirements will be based on the functionality, behaviour and interactions of the user toward to system. A web-based system that promotes their organisation and allowed for members to contribute information on the website. A forum, photo section and a login will also be necessary.
triggerthat said:
Hi there,

Am currently constructing a requirements document for a website project. However, I am not entirely use which method I should use. For example, the SSADM approach uses tables with benefits, comments, related documents, requirements and resolutions. Alternatively, there is a IEEE standard which is a structured requirements document covering Preface, intro, glossary, user requirements definition, system models, evolution etc. Which approach would you recommend, if any?

Isnt SSADM 5 the standard for the UK anyway? Stick with whats big, SSADM for the win.
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