Requirements to utlilise an IBM EXN1000 (or alternative solution)

20 Mar 2007
I can get an IBM EXN1000 quite cheaply (£50) but it uses fibre as the comms link. What would I need to be able to use it, or is it not worth the hassle?
Essentially I'm after something I can dump a bunch (8+) drives in for mass storage, cheaply.
It would seem so, I can't find a solution other than coupling it to the kit it was designed for :(
So, I'm open to ideas. I have lots of drives which I don't really want to put into a PC due to the mess/mass of cabling to do it, but I don't care what connection is used to access it, such as USB or Ethernet. Cost is the biggest factor and am willing to go the recycled route to keep the cost <£100 if required. Any more cost than that and I will go for the PC cable mess route.
I bought a Dell R510 several years ago, which has held 12x4tb Sata drives and a pair of SSD for OS and apps. I'm sure you'd be able to pick one of those up for about that budget.
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