Researchers say smacking kids lowers their IQ, researchers need a smack.



Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
South Coast
From this article:

SMACKING, long used by parents to discipline naughty children, could cause more than tears.

Research revealed it can also lower a child's IQ, with those smacked up to three times a week having a lower IQ due to psychological stress.

US-based sociologist Professor Murray Straus, who studied the impact of smacking for 40 years, likened the effects of corporal punishment to post-traumatic stress, affecting a child's mental development.

He called on governments to outlaw corporal punishment.

After studying 800 toddlers aged between two and four over a four-year period, he found those who were subjected to smacking had an IQ five points lower than that of a child who wasn't physically disciplined.

"The results of this research have major implications for the well-being of children across the globe," he said.

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"All parents want smart children. This research shows that avoiding smacking and correcting misbehaviour in other ways can help that."

Children aged five to nine years who were smacked regularly had an IQ 2.8 points lower. Dr Straus said children who constantly faced physical punishment lived in fear and suffered stress, which was associated with poorer academic performance.

While not an advocate of smacking, Sydney psychologist Dr Judith Kennedy said parents who gave an occasional tap on the bottom should not fear damaging their child.

"But a child who is suppressed through physical punishment regularly is going to behave differently," Dr Kennedy said.

I agree with the first comment by Shinsengumi that proper discipline clearly laid out so the kid knows what he or she did wrong is the correct way. Today's parenting is rubbish.

Oh the spoonings I received when I was -ouch filled memories :p
Well well, don't we all have strict opinions on this matter :p

Some people here have rather unique views though that don't make any sense whatsoever.

Let's see, my brother and I got beats for fighting, breaking stuff in the house, stealing sweets from the cupboard, stealing other stuff as kids, saying bad stuff or disrespecting people in general. We got beats with spoons, slippers (:D) and of course the god old rod.

Sometimes made to sit facing the wall and we'd sure as hell do it because the spoon was waving at us!

Looking back it's a hell of a good thing, we could have turned out like many of our peers at the time who would not get as disciplined when we wronged and most of those kids ended up being nuisances in the neighbourhood or delinquents.

Tough love is the way it always has been and has always worked so why try to change a system that works just because kids these days cry for Waaaaamulances?
Were you disciplined as a child?

I bet you turned out alright and learnt from your mistakes when you did serious wrongs, right?

Well there you go. It works.
Please tell me you're joking.

Here, have this sugar pill. Come back to me in 20 years, if you're not dead it worked! The homeopaths must love you.

I have no idea what the Kanye West you're talking about so will choose to not confuse myself with your rambling.
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