Reserator x2

13 Dec 2003
Hi there, i have a spare reserator sitting redundant

What i was looking to do was connect it to another one and have it running in series

eg. CPU Block - Reserator 1 - Reserator 2 - Back to Block.

Do you reckon i would get any benefit by doing this?

considering there would be 2 pumps and 2 effective radiators.

thanks :)
you may get a small drop in temps probably nothing major... and a bit of restriction in the flow but to hell with w h a t i and other people say id give it a go sounds fun
Someone here stacked one on top of the other and replaced the pumps with 1 Ehiem something or another. Temps were pretty good IIRC.
<maddness> said:
i actually considered that, but not really sure its such a good idea leaving the xtx's memory exposed to just sinks.

gddr3 runs stupidly cool, I can touch the memory on my 7800s with no ill effects. I don't even bother with ramsinks.. go for it, dual loops are the future!
the ramsinks on my x1900 are warm, if not verging on hot to touch when they are overclocked and been benching for a while.
Thats with good airflow too

Yea, I say go for Dual Loops too. Get better results. Dont worry about the mem on the xtx. I havnt seen many people worrying about it anyways. Some use ram sinks but thats it.
Instead of separate loops i think series or parallel is the way to go. Either way there will be no more strain because for everyon you add you add another pump too :). I actually had this idea myself the other day, but im not going to buy another one to try it :P;).
You could try this.

Posted by Winston in link below.
Do the above and stick an Iwaki pump in there. Will do wanders, also a small fan...perhaps one of these fancy 140mm silent job over the top flowing cool air over it and watch ya temps flop
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