Resident Evil 2 2019 - Worth playing 4x through?

5 Aug 2006
Hey all.
I had Resident Evil 2 on the PS1. It was brilliant.
The 2019 Remake I really enjoyed. I started as Leon and then played through as Claire for the 2nd run, which is the 'other half' of Leon's play through. Essentially this means I have played it through twice.

Is it worth playing through the other way around i.e. Claire 1 and Leon 2?
I did this back on the PS1, but really not sure if it is worth the time.
Thanks for the replies.
I will save it for if I fancy another run through in the future.

I will definitely buy Resident Evil 3, but give it a month or two and it'll be cheap. I have other stuff to play :).
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