Resident evil 2 reborn

25 Nov 2011
31st a alpha trial will be released.

This looks epic man, a RE2 with both classic and new camera angles.
My only concern here is how long before capcom come closing it down.

Resident Evil 2 Reborn (Alpha) - Debut Trailer:

Facrbook Page

Download link from there Site






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Another group of fans are attempting to remake Capcom survival horror classic Resident Evil 2.

The latest effort, dubbed Resident Evil 2: Reborn, is the work of Italian indie outfit Invader Games.

Reborn is being built using the Unity engine and will be released for free. The studio plans to release a playable alpha version for PC on 31st October - just in time for Halloween.

It's unclear from the trailer below exactly what state the game will be in, but videos of the project on the developer's YouTube channel date back almost a year - suggesting work has been underway for some time.
Considering that Capcom are releasing a HD remake of RE1, I would think that they would shut down any projects like this one.

Its logical that they will be remastering the series up to RE4 and wouldn't want a fan remake taking sales away from an official one....
Had a quick go, was not very impressed. It is a alpha after all though I suppose. Will probably take them another year or two to get it to a state where it is enjoyable to play.

Please keep in mind that Resi 2 is my favorite game in the series, but I get the feeling the only time I am likely to enjoy another version is if it was to be made by Capcom properly the way Resident Evil was remade. I actually played Resident Evil 2 recently and it holds up really well I thought. A remake would need to add more things to the game the way the original remake did in order for it to be great.
Considering that Capcom are releasing a HD remake of RE1, I would think that they would shut down any projects like this one.

Its logical that they will be remastering the series up to RE4 and wouldn't want a fan remake taking sales away from an official one....

It isn't logical that they'll be releasing an official HD remake of RE2 or 3. The Resident Evil 1 remake isn't going to be much more than an upscale of the GameCube remake, they're not building the game from scratch which is what would be required with Resident Evil 2 and 3.
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InvaderGames closes down the project of Resident Evil 2 Reborn

InvaderGames closes down the project of Resident Evil 2 Reborn and is invited by Capcom to discuss further ideas

Hello everybody!
First of all we want to thank all of you for the passion and the attachment that you have daily shown us. We'll be always grateful.
Today we want to join us of a very special day for InvaderGames. After the official announcement of the Resident Evil 2 remake by Capcom, we officialise the end of the works on Resident Evil 2 Reborn.
Contrary to what might be thought, this is wonderful news for us and, as fans, we're so happy that Capcom has decided to take the lead of the project and to develop the remake awaited for years by everybody (nobody could bring back to life the masterpiece of 1998 better than the creators themselves). Meanwhile as developers, we're honoured to announce that we've been officially invited to meet Capcom.
Capcom called us up in advance of the announcement and asked us if we would mind stopping the project as they had longer term plans for a Resident Evil 2 Remake. They have invited us to a meeting to discuss further ideas.
Even though we cannot complete the project of Resident Evil 2 Reborn, we're happy that what we've shown has achieved consents from worldwide fans and especially has been noticed from Capcom itself. We promise that the work done until now will be useful for future projects, we won't disappoint your and our expectations.

Thank you again for letting us to be where we are now in spite of the long way that remains to be walked through, we hope to focus soon on the biggest professional chance that we could get. Once more, we're very grateful to Capcom for having noticed our work and having appreciated as much the love we feel about the Resident Evil saga as developing videogames. It's very rare to find such a leader company in the industry so much open minded and sensitive to the work of a growing studio like ours, guided by passion and competence.

News available soon, stay tuned!

InvaderGames Team
respect for capcom for not shutting down the project years ago when it first started as they were obviously aware of it, and now instead of just sending a cease and desist letter, actually inviting them to a meeting. Good on Capcom.
Capcom actually handled the killing of the fan-remake very well. I'm somewhat surprised.

I wonder what they have planned for the InvaderGames guys - perhaps add their version to the remaster as an extra game mode or easter egg? There were tonnes of such things in the original RE2 (tofu mode etc).
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