Resident evil 3.5

totally agree and i personally hated RE4. It totally wasn't RE anymore -well it was but lost so much that made RE what it was mean't to be. So many people have said it was needed to do this to keep the series alive, me personally enjoyed the old style
i loved resident evil 4, fantastic game, one of the best i've played

but saying that i was dissapointed because i felt it wasnt really resident evil any more, just a game using the name to get it success

hope resident evil 5 uses the gameplay of 4 but a story of the other resi evils

edit: saying that though, the video seems more ghosts(that then turn into zombies :/ double-you tee eff) than zombies, i want zombies back! :( not ghosts, not diseased villagers, zombies!!
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I agree with IceBus. RE: Nemsis, Code Veronica were boring. and the remake , 0 was all same.

The prototype video looks like RE: Code Veronica with fancy graphics.
In with Steedie on this one... Yes Resident Evil 4 was a brilliant game and the best game of 2005, but it just wasn't Resident Evil.

Resident Evil to me is all about the Zombies and Dogs etc in confined places... not massive areas with diseased people
the prototype looks ok but who knows what i would have played like.

In the end i was very happy with RE4 and wouldnt ask for it to be chance in any way.
Swinehog said:
totally agree and i personally hated RE4. It totally wasn't RE anymore -well it was but lost so much that made RE what it was mean't to be. So many people have said it was needed to do this to keep the series alive, me personally enjoyed the old style
Are you kidding??, the old style was well outdated?, the new Resi, was the best game i had played in years, how can you compare awkward clumsy control, etc, with the new game??
It looks like it would've been like Code Veronica all spiffed up. Not necessarily a bad thing but I prefer what they did with RE4. There were no real zombies but it still had its share of scary pant wetting moments :D
blueshift said:
Are you kidding??, the old style was well outdated?, the new Resi, was the best game i had played in years, how can you compare awkward clumsy control, etc, with the new game??

must be me then, but had no issue's with the old style and more with the new one, anyway its comming to pc now so should hopefully have mouse support, probably making it too easy though
Resident Evil 4 felt very much like the originals to me, just without the scares. This wasn't do do with the new control method and over the shoulder camera, but rather because RE4 is an action game first, survial horror second.

It's still one of the best games i've ever played, and moved on a series which had become rather tired and boring considerably. RE with decent combat - who'd have thunk it? :)

Now all we need is for no.5 to add some of the scares and tension of the originals, a few more taxing puzzles, and everyone will be happy :)
0gami said:
Code Veronica on the Dreamcast was the best RE i've played thus far. (Not played RE4 properly)

Got to agree my second fav after RE1 on the PS. I like the semi 3D semi fixed angle camera system that it used (its hard to explain if you haven't played it :))

I played RE0 on the GC and it felt like a step backward. Not played RE4 so can't comment.
I'd put my vote in the - 'RE4 wasn't what Resi was all about' camp. It may have better gameplay dynamics - but in taking out all the zombies & real feelings of claustrophobia, it effectively became a different franchise to me.

It's a bit like comparing '28 Days Later' to Romero's 'Dawn of the Dead'.
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I think the demo looks excellent, and it still retains the over the shoulder firing view... While I enjoyed Resident Evil 4 in it's own right, I couldn't help feeling disappointed by it's apparent lack of "Resident Evil'ness". It just seemed slightly too linear and relatively non-scary.
IceBus said:
Resident Evil 4 was one of the best games last year IMO. Game franchises have to move forward or else they stagnate, and Resident Evil 4 was the best incarnation since Resi 2 imo

Oh I agree completely but RE3.5 would have been so much better.
kreeeee said:
Oh I agree completely but RE3.5 would have been so much better.

I'm not sure - as soon as I saw the fixed camera angles and dodgy combat in that vid memories of how dull the series had become, and how refreshing no.4 had felt, came flooding back.
Res 4 was a step in the right direction certainly, the gameplay was fantastic. But the series still lost a lot of that edgy feel about it. You would walk around a corner to find 5 enemies instead of a motionless corpse that would spring to life and scare you to death.
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