Resident Evil 5 Gold - coming soon to Steam

8 Dec 2005

Its been leaked here the info is all the content the console Gold edition's had which means the 2 DLC packs including the RE mansion in proper HD via the MT Framework engine. I bought those DLC packs on the 360 years ago they are ok but very short so do not expect to get a lot of gameplay out of them!

Steam was also recently updated with a 101Mb patch which adds Steamworks achievements which are not live yet. So sooner or later this is going to be available to buy on Steam :) Knowing Capcom you probably have to buy the 2 x DLC I doubt it will be free...

Last year Capcom said they are replacing GFWL for Steamworks but it looks like they also added all the DLC for the new release.
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The dlc was a bit pants for RE5. Not worth more than a couple of quid imo.

Will be nice to play it through again with a mate to mop up the achievements though.
Is it just me or does Capcom only seem to consistently rape the old games they made? It devalues the older games if you ask me. I liked RE 5 enough that I traded it in and rebrought the gold edition for PS3 a few years back but I think they need to start focusing on making decent new games.
Is it just me or does Capcom only seem to consistently rape the old games they made? It devalues the older games if you ask me. I liked RE 5 enough that I traded it in and rebrought the gold edition for PS3 a few years back but I think they need to start focusing on making decent new games.
Capcom have done this since the Playstation 1 days as its way cheaper to remaster or create an all DLC edition than build a new game (RE7 is also being made in secret right now).
Now we just need to wait for the patch so we can transfer over our GFWL progress and achievements. Apparently it should be ready before the weekend.

I hope the save file is enough as I don't remember saving any other files from my old install.

£16.09 for the Gold bundle or £11.99 if you already own it on Steam :rolleyes: Capcom are having a laugh this is all DX9 only now they CBA to even port the fast loading DX10 version over :( they also removed the Nvidia 3D Vision from this new version but the UK GFWL keys are now live on Steam so you can add that into Steam to get the Steamworks RE5 edition minus the DLC which is still £11.99!
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Will get it when it is 99p or something. Not worth any more than that for me. Only completed last year for the 2nd time, by the time I want to play it again if ever, it will likely be that price or less anyway.
Now we just need to wait for the patch so we can transfer over our GFWL progress and achievements. Apparently it should be ready before the weekend.

I hope the save file is enough as I don't remember saving any other files from my old install.

I just stuck my GFWL key in for this, is the patch optional? tbh I would rather start again and get the achievements again from scratch.
I just stuck my GFWL key in for this, is the patch optional? tbh I would rather start again and get the achievements again from scratch.
You get an Import GFWL save menu you can just ignore that option & re-earn the lot which is what I am going to do.
I dont mind doing the achievements again but its just all the weapons etc I fully upgraded. Put about 80 hours into the game and don't think i'll ever play it as much again.
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