Resitting your test after a ban

8 Aug 2003
One of my housemates is going to court on Thursday and could potentially end up with 12 points on her license, 3 x 3 points for speeding and potentially another 3 for running a red light. If she does get 12 points (and banned) how long before she can resit her test and will the points still be on her license?
Cheers for the info guys. For the record all three speeding offences are over a year old and since receiving them she has completely changed her driving style and no longer goes over the speed limit ANYWHERE. I'm not too sure what happened with the red light so I won't comment.
For those that are interested my housemate hired a solicitor on Monday and her court appearance was today.

With the solicitor speaking on her behalf and with letters from her company she was able "get away with" 3 points giving her 12 in total but no ban. She also has to pay £200 costs and solicitor fees.

Expensive lesson but I recon she could out bore the majority of the anti-speed members on here with her firm belief that speeding is bad :eek:
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