I've got a fair few picture, some taken off a stills camera, some snapshotted from video, that I'd like to crop and resize.
Basically I'm cropping out and resizing them to allow me to get them printed from a company like PhotoBox (or what ever), to them stick in a log book.
Is there a piece of software that will allow me to crop and resize and image down to either cm or inches? I've been messing around with Paint, but it seems like a really time consuming task with little look.
This is an example pic; http://imgur.com/4RsucHm
The image would end up being something like 70mm x 70mm
Basically I'm cropping out and resizing them to allow me to get them printed from a company like PhotoBox (or what ever), to them stick in a log book.
Is there a piece of software that will allow me to crop and resize and image down to either cm or inches? I've been messing around with Paint, but it seems like a really time consuming task with little look.
This is an example pic; http://imgur.com/4RsucHm
The image would end up being something like 70mm x 70mm