Resize my picture please

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me227 said:
Like this? 600x480.

Something doesnt look right on it, It looks too Square if you know what i mean.

It doesnt need to be spot on 640x480, it just has to be under that resolution.

I want to keep the Original shape if its possible :)

BTW thats my thinking spot :)
Zip said:
Something doesnt look right on it, It looks too Square if you know what i mean.

It doesnt need to be spot on 640x480, it just has to be under that resolution.

I want to keep the Original shape if its possible :)

BTW thats my thinking spot :)

Me227 has done it to the same proportions as the original , I've just done it with Photoshop and i came out with 600 x 480 .

Original = 1280 x 1024

Half it = 640 x 512 ( 512 is too big , so reduce the 512 to 480 and you get

600 x 480 pixels.

Use his.

Last edited:
So is Photofiltre, a nice little program I've been using for a while, does exactly what it says on the tin.
Menu > Image > Image size ...
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