Resonating fans

28 Dec 2003
Ok so I have three intake fans on the front of my case but I've discovered they create an annoying resonance when operating between 58% and 65%. It's most noticable around 62%.

Any ideas on how I can deal with this?

I did think of trying to alter my fan curves to put a "step" in around this range so they step 'over' the offending range. Anyone tried something similar?
If they're individually controlled, try to put a 1 or 3% and a 2 or 4% difference between the first, second and third fan. This usually stops most of the resonance droning that comes up cyclically.

If they're all right next to each other, you can also try and move them apart from each other a little if there's space to do that on your case. Although this has only marginal improvement in most cases (as it depends on too much stuff, but might be helpful as it's a cheap and easy thing to do if it's possible in your case).
They're all controlled together and are decent NF-A14 Noctuas.

I really don't want to start faffing with airflow again as it took me an age to get it balanced at all loads.

Not sure if it's actually reasonance or rather "beats" interference as the fans won't be running at exactly the same speed due to manufacturing tolerances.
For now I've adjusted my curves to put a 'step' from 58% to 65% so they shouldn't ever run at that speed. Will see how I get on.
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