
6 Mar 2008
Stoke area
Anyone using Respond CMS?

We use wordpress at work and as an "accessible" company we need a website that is 100% compatible with screen readers, keyboard only users etc. Wordpress has lots of plugins that offer certain things but ultimately, it's not 100% certain that it is accessible. Our template is out of date with Woocommerce and looks dated.

I've built a little basic site with Bootstrap that so far is 100% accessible and I need to add a few more things in. However, the issue is, i'm the only one that can edit it. They understandably want a CMS running behind it and RespondCMS seems ideal.

Installation instructions are written for people who really know what they are doing, not noobs like me. I've muddled through and got a site running but it won't load the login page for the site, just shows a 404

Anyone any advice on a new CMS to try that is simple enough to pick up or any ideas how to get respond to work?
Downloaded the entire zip from Github (still learning to use that) then uploaded to the hosting via FTP.

Set up mysql, figured out to install the schema.sql file and went from there really.

The install guides were talking about console commands etc for WAMP but nothing that really helped, I just muddled through.

Turns out its a bug after asking on the RespondCMS G+ page and it's being fixed in the next release. Also managed to get it working with another link they provided.

Just need to find time to have a play with it etc
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