Restoring a jailbroken 2G iPhone

19 Dec 2004
Hey guys,
I have a jailbroken unlocked 2G 2.1fw iPhone and I want to restore it back to the original settings (locked on O2) how do I go about doing that? The screen on my iphone is getting worse and worse (screen burn, screen sometimes click when touching it) so going to take it into the Apple Store to get it looked at but I need it back to original settings.

So a normal restore through itunes will make the phone locked again? Would they know has been jailbroken before?
I have restored it but it tells me to connect to itunes (the image on the iphone with the itunes logo and the usb plug), when connected it asks me to activate the iphone, as I don't have an O2 contract can I just put in any O2 card (PAYG) and activate it?
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