Restoring Exchange from NTBackup

24 Jun 2007
Evening all,

Has anybody successfully done this? We're backing up Exchange 2007 (within Windows Server 2003) using NTBackup, and so far we've not had much luck restoring them.

I've followed various guides (including MS one's) all to no avail. So I was wondering if anybody uses NTBackup anymore, and if so would you be kind enough to detail how you do it?

Thanks :)
Tried using ExMerge, not sure if you can do it from a dirty backup though... i'll ask one of the other lads when he gets in to pop over here :D
How did you get on with this?

Did you follow white papers to the letter?

To restore to Exchange the services must be running and the store databases marked as overwritable.

Exchange is a temperamental little bugger.
Finally got it working as of 10 mins ago :)

The key to it was running:

eseutil /p "D:\<Path To Mailbox Database>.edb"

... once I'd restored the Storage Group (after first restarting with it unmounted, and in restore mode), and it wouldn't mount afterwards.

Thank god for that! :D

Thanks for any tips etc :)
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