Restoring faded leather? What to use?

4 Feb 2004
Hi folks,

I recently sold me 1 piece leather suit as it was too small for me. I also just sold all my textile gear on eBay as although it just fitted me it too was getting a little too snug. Expanding waistline, getting older kinda deal. :D

This left me with no riding kit although its not really an issue at the moment as I'm laid up after knee surgery so can't ride the bike anyway. I'm looking at new textile 'sport' type jackets as I mentioned in my other thread but as a stop gap I thought I'd grab something on eBay which was sort of 'all seasons' that I could use for when the weather isn't bone dry. I managed to blag a Hein Gericke PSXT1 textile/leather combo jacket and trousers on the bay for............£20!!! Seller must have been kicking himself. :cool:

They arrived yesterday and are in excellent condition and actually fit me properly, jacket being a Euro 54 and trousers a Euro 54. The only thing which lets them down a little is the leather panels on them are a little faded and tired looking. Still plenty life left in them and an absolute steal at £20 but could do with a bit of a freshen up. What would you recommend I use to 'restore' the leather so it looks a bit better? I had looked online and Halfrauds have Autoglym Leather Care Balm which seems to get good reviews albeit most are in reference to use on car leather seats.

Any thoughts folks? Ta.
Ive used leather dye in the past, easy enough to use, just give it a couple of wipe downs making sure to let it dry thoroughly between coats, then seal it with leather food afterwards.

Can't remember what brand of dye ive used in the past as ive allways just got it off ebay/google/whatever.
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