Restoring folders

5 Aug 2003
I've just run creative media orgraniser on my music folder and its screwed the whole lot up, is there a way to restore the folders to how they were before I ran the organiser on the folder, would a system restore do the trick?
System restore doesn't affect regular files and folders, so that won't work. It just affects programs and stuff like that.

I don't think there is a way to do it, other than checking in the Creative media organiser to see if there is a feature option in there.

Edit: just noticed this about your post count: If you subtract 2 from the 9, and put half on each of the 2s, it becomes 1337. :)
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O noes, well I've passed 1337 before anyway, think I should have about 10,000 posts by now but gave them all away to charity lol

Bit of a bugger about that folder thing though because now I don't know where any of my music is :(
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