Restoring my iPhone (yes, I've been stupid!)

13 Sep 2009
Maidstone, Kent
Long story short, jailbroke my 4S using Absinthe on 5.1.1 to install a theme that had unfortunately been taken off Cydia anyway. I was told that there was no SIM too, so I thought I'd just go back to stock.

Because my main PC can't restore iPhones (I get 3194, something to do with TinyUmbrella I think) I just go to the iPhone's settings and install the already downloaded iOS 6 update. Does the usual stuff, then I get the 'plug into iTunes' screen and it needs to be restored. I get my laptop and do so. Go through the whole setup thing, but it won't activate with Apple.

Where do I go from here? I've balls'd up big time by not restoring before updating, but there must be something that can be done surely?

Your help would be most appreciated!
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