Restoring overclock

5 Sep 2012
Isle of Man
Hi There,

Ref: Order 4149409 RMA 232039 (20/12/2012--->23/01/2013)

Because of incompatibilities with the Gigabyte GA-X79-UD3 mobo and the
Asus 670 DCU 2 graphics card I was advised by your tech help to update the
mobo BIOS. The update has been successful and the Asus is now working fine.
Of course the OC settings have been replaced by the default.

How do I go about replacing the ocUK overclock as the PC will be used for
graphic rendering and needs peak performance.:)

Deryck Ballington
It may be picked up here (by the mods) though it may be better to post in the customer service forum..

They normally have the settings saved for each overclock, they should be able to send them to you.. :)
The Asus 670/Gig mobo ran fine at the standard settings but balked at the OC settings. After much fiddling about the system seemed to have sorted itself out with the OC settings.
I still cannot get to look at the backup BIOS but no worries.

The student is VERY happy with the rendering performance and is AMAZED at the deafening silence from the water cooling and the 2 fan Graphics card.
Between myself and the ocUK staff efforts the PC is now fully operational.

At last the dust has settled!!. Now for the next project!!
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