** Retailer of the Year 2013!!! **

OcUK Staff
12 Apr 2008


We have done it! We have won Retailer of the Year 2013 from the CPC & Bit Awards!

We just want to say a big thank you to all of our customers who have supported us!

From all the staff at Overclockers UK!
The winner of the laptop and the mousepads has not been announced yet, I believe they are announcing it this week though. :)
Not to be a dick but ocuk won and the comp ended nearly a month ago so whys no one won the prizes yet? I dont care who wins as long as somone does im getting the feeling this has been a con to entise us to vote i do hope thats not the case but it sure looks that way.

Just so you are aware we do not host the competition, we will chase them up to see if they have picked the winners! :)
What's actually going on here? Did someone win the laptop ?

Yes, the person has the laptop, I am waiting for confirmation from him if it is okay to announce his name.

However, the person who won was Nathan! - I am hoping he will take photos and send them to me, and I have no idea if he is a member of this forum!
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