Retarded IT managers making our jobs harder...

27 Feb 2009
If you didn't already know, I work for a very well know IT outsourcing company. I work on the team who support the staff who work for the well known under-the-earth train company in our fine capital.

Their IT manager today decided that our SMS (remote access) and \C$ access is too wide a security gap and all our permissions have been removed.

This means we cannot fix any user problems ourselves, and now have to talk the user through everything, leading to conversations of:

Us: "Along the top is "Tools". Can you click on that please?"
Them: "It's not there."
Us: "Are you sure? It should be next to "View" on the left hand side of the screen at the top."
Them: "There's nothing that says "Tools" there!"
Us: "No, really there is."
Them: "NO THERE.... oh wait, there it is."
Us: /facepalm

The only things we can now do is Password resets and Account unlocks via AD. Everything else must be passed to the desktop support team (the ones who goto the PCs), thus incresing their workload SIGNIFICANTLY, and reducing ours to pretty much nothing. :(

Doubt it, though will test it tomorrow.
I think they have changed the permissions so that we cannot access any parts of the PCs in anyway whatsoever.

They arent readying to sack us. They still have a years contract with the company I work for, for IT helpdesk services. Their IT security chap is just a plum.

I just tried MSTSCing onto a computer, then realised, that's now good for 95% of the calls we get.
We need to be able to use the PC whilst the user is loged on in order to show them how to do stuff, or reconfigure Outlook, or set up proxies etc.

VNC cant be used as we can't simply install it to peoples PCs, and as said, we alrady hav a secure connection in place via the Terminal server, so its not that there is a security breach.

To be honest, we can now only not access half the PCs (well, one of the 2 groups we support". The other half we can work on as usual. Its just frustrating having these things you need to do the job properly taken away from you.
lol. good point.

At the moment, we are just logging any calls that we are no longer able to do, and then sending them off to our manager who will then compile a list and send them to the IT bloke at the other company.
The company pay per call, not by time needed to fix them.
Also, the company I work for are much more interested in quality fixes, rather than quantity of calls taken.
...or he is simply trying to be seen as activly improving their network's security with no regard to the support that the users will recieve.

To be honest, I'd much rather be able to fix the problem myself and have more work to do, than take the easy route and log 'n' pass :(
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