Retiring at 33 to play MMOPRGs, am I mad?

8 Feb 2006
I've got a mortgage free flat with broadband and a soon to be kick@ss PC (if I can finalise the damn spec). I'm thinking of chucking in my 60k a year job and playing mmorpgs. My only problem is how to pay the bills without taking some menial part time job. I work in I.T. (2\3rd line support) so it's tough to get a job working from home. I've only got a few k in cash which won't last too long. The flat is only worth 140k so downsizing isn't an option.

Anyone done something like this before, or have any advice on how to secure an income?
I understand I need an income hence the post, I wanted to see if anyone else has done it before and can offer advice. I didn't say I was giving up my family, friends, girlfriend, other hobbies etc. I would just like to spend more time on mmorpgs than working or watching TV. Some people are happy with a semi, 2.1 kids, and a regular job until they're 65, I'm just not one of them. As for "willy waving", you obviously haven't lived and worked in London before, I was actually refering to the fact I don't have or earn much money.
I made a big mistake posting my salary and flat, it seems everyone wants to focus on that, rather than my original question. The flat isn't in London, it's in a rural town, I'm renting in London. I have just finished paying off the mortgage, hence why I have little money. My salary statement was purely there to say, I earn a reasonable income but would prefer to give it up for much less. The funny thing is, if I said I was downsizing to a rural location to grow organic vegetables, I'm sure the responses would have been different. Why is everyone so negative to online games? The media has perpetuated this theory if you spend a long time playing online games, you're going to have a heartattack and die in front of the screen. I spend 6 hours a week keeping fit and I'm in no way obese. I do take some of your comments on board and it is a bit of a reality check. It looks as though it won't be possible, purely due to the financial contraints, I can keep dreaming though.

Try not to be so harsh on people that may have alternative aspirations to the social "norm".

If anyone has actually done something like this please email me, I would appreciate you comments.
You would need in depth, AD, SAN, Exchange, 2003, clustering, and a lot of market data e.g. bloomberg, reuters, factset etc. Why the heck would you take 45 and give me 15? Do yourself a favour if you want the cash, get a MCSE home study and contract for 70-100kpa.
"Do something worthwhile."

I fail to see how spending 50 hours a week for the next 20 years in front of a computer screen in an office is more "worthwhile" than doing the same thing at home. You seem to think that everyone that plays mmos wants to give up on life. I merely want to replace work with gaming. The only thing that I would be giving up is the expensive nights out, designer clothes and cars, which are all inconsequential material rubbish. The important things like relationships and hobbies (other than gaming) would stay.

Your point regarding self control is valid, but isn't it like anything in life, don't do it to excess. Why is gaming any different?
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