Retro only gamer

7 Oct 2005
Hi guys,

Interested to know is anyone a retro only gamer these days? If you are do you feel like you’re missing anything with modern gaming?

Whilst I’m not retro only I do tend to favour remakes of old games / Nintendo and have found myself going back to older games recently. I’m sure it’s just a lack of time / getting older so pick up and play tends to suit

Hi guys,

Interested to know is anyone a retro only gamer these days? If you are do you feel like you’re missing anything with modern gaming?

Whilst I’m not retro only I do tend to favour remakes of old games / Nintendo and have found myself going back to older games recently. I’m sure it’s just a lack of time / getting older so pick up and play tends to suit

I play more retro games than modern, the simplicity and nostalgia is what typically draws me in. Games now days seem unnecessarily complicated or too big, with a huge amount of collectables/achievements and side quests.

Outside of that, my modern gaming habits are console exclusives, FPS games on PC, and dabbling in a bit in VR.
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Well my only "modern" games I play a lot are WoW and Eve which are 2004 releases :D

But I just find it hard to get into modern games, there is some comfort in playing what I already know. Can easily sink hours into a play of TTD
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