Retropie on a RP5?

Nice video, shame he didn't mention Sega saturn! I might have to take the plunge.. I keep hearing crazy stats like it's x2 better than the rp4..

Haven't had a chance to try gaming but I was using an 8GB PI 4 before and personally I've found the 5 to be a massive jump in performance.
I'm using mine mainly as a NAS/Media Server but its noticeably better and more capable; I'm just looking forward to a decent case being available for me to stick in one of the plethora of spare SSD's I have lying around!
How are Rpi5 owners feeling about the value of it? Now that the price ia a very long way from what the original idea of them was.

Watched this recently and it was dissapointed really.
Yes he makes valid points, its getting a bit pricey. I managed to pickup a rp4 for £40 but now your looking at
around £100. BTW the pi 5 runs hot !
This guy covered games running on Pi5, including Saturn. Appreciate it is a bit of a long video though!

Wow thanks. I skipped to the saturn games and solid 50 or 60fps. Pretty amazing. Virtua Cop brings back memories!
I guess I better try and find a RP5 to buy now..
Wow thanks. I skipped to the saturn games and solid 50 or 60fps. Pretty amazing. Virtua Cop brings back memories!
I guess I better try and find a RP5 to buy now..
If you like Lightgun games, consider picking up a Sinden Lightgun. They run amazingly with the Pi and work really well.
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If you like Lightgun games, consider picking up a Sinden Lightgun. They run amazingly with the Pi and work really well.
Thanks. I have heard of them in the past - but because the saturn games didn't work well on my rp4 I never bothered to look into it.. I guess now I will have to.. :o :o
The RPi5 is worlds apart from the RPi4. It's the first Pi I've thought I could actually use as a desktop and I can imagine it being even better with an NVMe.
I’m also waiting for the official m.2 hat and will run mine with an NVMe drive as I’m going to give it a serious go as a desktop :)
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