Nice video, shame he didn't mention Sega saturn! I might have to take the plunge.. I keep hearing crazy stats like it's x2 better than the rp4..
Yes you can..Nice one, I was considering getting one but I have so much pc gear and older pis it I can’t justify.
The RPi5 is worlds apart from the RPi4. It's the first Pi I've thought I could actually use as a desktop and I can imagine it being even better with an I already have 3 older ones (2x3b and 1x4) I need to utilise. But I like your thinking.
This guy covered games running on Pi5, including Saturn. Appreciate it is a bit of a long video though!
Raspberry Pi 5 - Testing Gamecube, Wii, Saturn and Arcade games
I got me a Raspberry Pi 5 and I was so fed up of seeing the Big-Tubers expecting us to swoon over examples of what is already possible on the Pi4 that I
If you like Lightgun games, consider picking up a Sinden Lightgun. They run amazingly with the Pi and work really well.Wow thanks. I skipped to the saturn games and solid 50 or 60fps. Pretty amazing. Virtua Cop brings back memories!
I guess I better try and find a RP5 to buy now..
Thanks. I have heard of them in the past - but because the saturn games didn't work well on my rp4 I never bothered to look into it.. I guess now I will have to..If you like Lightgun games, consider picking up a Sinden Lightgun. They run amazingly with the Pi and work really well.
If you ever have any questions about the Sinden, drop me a PM .Thanks. I have heard of them in the past - but because the saturn games didn't work well on my rp4 I never bothered to look into it.. I guess now I will have to..
I’m also waiting for the official m.2 hat and will run mine with an NVMe drive as I’m going to give it a serious go as a desktopThe RPi5 is worlds apart from the RPi4. It's the first Pi I've thought I could actually use as a desktop and I can imagine it being even better with an NVMe.