In my household me and my Dad have always have a competition of him running an AMD/ATI setup V me with an Intel/Nvidia lineup.
Hes getting pretty upset that AMD are getting there chronometers kicked by Intel Core 2, im holding him off from moving (I like the compo of AMD v Intel) , when are we likely to see a chipset, motherboard and CPU's from AMD to era in there new challenge to Intel!?
I can probably hold him of till end of the year!
Any thoughts on when a decent level compeition will return at a reasonable price
In my household me and my Dad have always have a competition of him running an AMD/ATI setup V me with an Intel/Nvidia lineup.
Hes getting pretty upset that AMD are getting there chronometers kicked by Intel Core 2, im holding him off from moving (I like the compo of AMD v Intel) , when are we likely to see a chipset, motherboard and CPU's from AMD to era in there new challenge to Intel!?
I can probably hold him of till end of the year!
Any thoughts on when a decent level compeition will return at a reasonable price