return to castle wolfenstein on leopard?

19 Oct 2002
hey guys,

i'm trying to get RTCW playing on my macbook, but when i click the apps, they quit unexpectedly (i say they because there are separate SP and MP apps...)

i've installed the latest patch (which was still ages ago) to no avail... is it just a game leopard simply cant play for whatever reason :(
good idea... i looked around a few forums but they're seldom used now, so i scoured the activision support threads and came across one that said in some cases, if the game wont start its due to the game not being able to find the config files (crazy if you ask me since they are created on the first run)... but anyway, if you experience this like i did, then you can download default config files from the bottom of the same thread and stick them in the Wolfenstein:Main directory and it all works :)

Activision Support Thread

could i also recommend editing the config files to allow your native res :) - change r_customwidth to 1680 (or whatever yours is) and r_customheight to 1050 (or whatever yours is)... you then have to change r_mode to -1 to tell the game to use these custom values.

Hope this helps some people :)
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