Well its time to return!
My last PC building was circa 2005 when World of Warcraft was my go to game. The rig was a watercooled system using Radeon Crossfire which had only just came out and was still having a lot of teething issues. However it increased the E-Peen!
Fast forward until 2010 I quit Wow, I had no time on my hands and work ruled. I dabbled in some Xbox and PS gaming, however nothing major.
Now in 2021 I run my own company therefore a lot of stress and I find if I don't have some sort of side project, I get overwhelmed, so I thought after watching a few Youtube Videos, why not build another PC.
So jumping right in and 3 weeks later this lot arrived.....

Needless to say having never done hardline this will be abit of a challenge but I wanted something to keep me busy.
First issue was that I wanted to keep the theme of white/grey/dash of blue from the custom cables from Cablemod (due soon). The GFX was all black the backplate and all, really upset me, I thought I could ignore but I couldnt. So this opened a can a worms....

Removing the backplate I found this to my horror, there was no thermal pads but this awful putty stuff, which had worked its way into every nock and cranny of the circuits. The front was all normal pads so nice and east. The rear took 3 hours of tooth picks, isopropyl alcohol and a lot of patience, however was pleased how it finally came out.

This then allowed me to spray the parts white and the backplate im happy with, the front block is being re-done as it wasn't as nice as I wanted.

So overall not bad, dabbled abit with tube bending, however the major problem I have is from the front Rad down to the pump return, its to far for a 90 elbow but not far enough for a radius turn.... FFS. Therefore something needs to be done here, unsure what yet.

Will try and keep this updated.
My last PC building was circa 2005 when World of Warcraft was my go to game. The rig was a watercooled system using Radeon Crossfire which had only just came out and was still having a lot of teething issues. However it increased the E-Peen!
Fast forward until 2010 I quit Wow, I had no time on my hands and work ruled. I dabbled in some Xbox and PS gaming, however nothing major.
Now in 2021 I run my own company therefore a lot of stress and I find if I don't have some sort of side project, I get overwhelmed, so I thought after watching a few Youtube Videos, why not build another PC.
So jumping right in and 3 weeks later this lot arrived.....

Needless to say having never done hardline this will be abit of a challenge but I wanted something to keep me busy.
First issue was that I wanted to keep the theme of white/grey/dash of blue from the custom cables from Cablemod (due soon). The GFX was all black the backplate and all, really upset me, I thought I could ignore but I couldnt. So this opened a can a worms....

Removing the backplate I found this to my horror, there was no thermal pads but this awful putty stuff, which had worked its way into every nock and cranny of the circuits. The front was all normal pads so nice and east. The rear took 3 hours of tooth picks, isopropyl alcohol and a lot of patience, however was pleased how it finally came out.

This then allowed me to spray the parts white and the backplate im happy with, the front block is being re-done as it wasn't as nice as I wanted.

So overall not bad, dabbled abit with tube bending, however the major problem I have is from the front Rad down to the pump return, its to far for a 90 elbow but not far enough for a radius turn.... FFS. Therefore something needs to be done here, unsure what yet.

Will try and keep this updated.