Reverse Parking

18 May 2004
Lincoln, Uk
This is inspired by a recent conversation (and long time slight annoyance) with my missus....

Am I in the majority here?, 9 times out of 10 when I park up somewhere, I'll back into a space (The exception is being on the end of a row in a supermarket, or the car park being nearly empty and having parked by driving right through [so as to be parking forwards ready to leave anyway])

In my mind it just makes sense, as you don't end up with the wheels that do the steering towards the back of the gap you are in, and when you are backing in, you have good visaibility and can see anyone about to walk across the space, which is often not the case when backing out, and to me, its easier to line up with the space, you are not pulling a bit of a swan neck and then still ending up with mid point of the car on the side you are turning come a little bit close to the bumper of the next car. However my missus has some kind of adversion to reverse parking, I suspect its because she hasn't done it much in the years since she passed her test and doesn't like doing something she is unfamilar with, but thats a sorta a catch 22 thing, this is despite now having a car with reversing sensors and camera*

Just thought I'd put a post out here to see if I'm in the majority or not, perhaps a poll would be usful, I would suspect we would have a lot like me who always try and back in, quite a few who are indifferent and probably do a mix of the two and never really think about why, and maybe a small amount who are like my missues. I'm not sure if perhaps I've been influenced by the fact that I drive a van for work, and with the size and more limited visability backing out of a space would be quite a pain, and also that some client sites I visit have a reverse parking policy

* I don't actually tend to make that much of the camera, now to be fair I've only had this car for about 15 months, so early days (!!), but I tend to line up with the sides of the spaces just using the wing mirrors, and just check the camera to make sure nothing has ended up behind me as I back in, and to see the distance from the kerb at the back, and make sure theres nothing like a bollard or lighting column at the back to be carful of. Generally don't bother looking at the coloured guidelines on the screen, its just as easy to line up using mirrors (which I guess does some from driving a van)
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Just something else i've been wondering about for a while.... If anyone here has a reverse parking policy at work - what industry are you in? - Every place I've seen with one has some connection to the oil/gas offsure industries, usually suppliers of equipment to just that that sector, etc Just wondered if anyone had knowlegde of one in a place that doesn't seem connected with that sector
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