Review opportunity with Antec -> 8Pack & OCUK

5 Jan 2010
Hey 8pack!

First of all I want to say, magnificent systems with OCUK bro! Keep up the great work and the personal benches!

I've got a question/proposition for you - via Antec.

Antec contacted me a few days ago to discuss review opportunities with me for their new line that's coming out of the Antec 650, 950 and 1250 (closed loop systems). The reason they reached out to me was because I'm the thread owner over at OCN for the Antec Khuler club.

So they sprung some ideas at me and the first reseller I thought of was OCUK and second to that, I thought of "the man 8pack".
You might be wondering why I thought of you :P!

Antec want to go a little crazy with their new line. They really want to push the boundaries of closed looped systems, with certain benches.
They mentioned something really cool to me (which isn't confirmed), but thought it would interest you, 8pack, greatly.
They suggested getting a chip from intel (antec would do the legwork) and get a golden OC'ing chip.
With that chip + their coolers - we could set some world records for the closed looped systems.
This won't break any of your previous records (although with the possibility of a golden chip - who knows what you can do with it after) - but it will build upon some of the records you already have.

These are all ideas from Antec and nothing confirmed.
But would you be interested in benching the new Antec line with the possibility of getting a CPU from intel that would allow you to push it as far as you would like?

As for OCUK - I was in contact with Bailey - and it seems that stocking the new line would be easily possible, as Antec and OCUK already have a link together.

So this interests everyone, if you ask me.
-People like yourself, 8pack, who bench
-Resellers, like OCUK
-Reviewers and customers, like myself

Personally I would be pushing my chip after de-lidding it to see what OC I can get out of it :p

Let me know your thoughts!
I know, Justin has contacted me briefly about it.

They've asked me to reach out to people I would think that could play a part in this.

I've contacted a few forum members over at OCN and all of them are interested.
Those are people with the technical know-how and more so have modded their antec's already.

Although not in the Antec's warranty - if Antec really want to break the closed looped market - they're going to have to think outside the box to get people over from Corsair and Swiftech.

If you would like to speak to me - send me a PM and we can hit it up on Skype or something!

I need to know what you require of me to say yes or no. I have some great chips here that are binned from hundreds to use.

I use Antec PSU to bench with often so would like to help this great brand.

Well, nothing is confirmed right now - but my understanding would be for you to bench via a CPU chip (be it provided or not I guess) and set some benches that have never been set via closed looped systems.
From my understanding all the biggest and beast benches are via LN2's - there surely must be a category that doesn't involve LN2's at all?
Ie. off air, off water etc.

If there is, and I would be surprised if there isn't - then via the Antec 1250 (that has two pumps) you could push the CPus quite a bit.

Another idea would be to have the Antec 1250 cooling a whole system: CPU + GPU - via modding it
Thought to update you guys:
I reviewed the Antec1250:

I've since passed on my unit to my friend who will be modding it (to see if he can get the potential out of it).

The 950 and another 1250(v2 though) should be with me soon too.
I think once Antec get to ground with my results and/or modifications that they need to do (thus the v2 for the 1250, per my/forums suggestions and input), then I think they'll reach out to others.

So 8-pack - I'll let you know if anything come about and if it does - then I'll give you a shout :)
(Don't worry haven't forgotten about 8-pack nor OCUK)
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