29 Aug 2003
West Midlands
Anyone else getting this I have the right password and everything but i cant log in it says wrong account information!!! which is a load of ******!?!?!?
How long did you wait from creating your account till you tried to login ? I had the exact same problem for tweny minutes after creating mine and then it worked. The game text advises you that it could take up to 2 hours before the account becomes active depending on how busy the servers are. I'd go make a cuppa then try again in twenty mins or something, hopefully it should work then.
yeah was out in the shops today, so they most likely took the servers from BETA down or the accounts basically forcing people to go buy a copy from shops, unfortunately im not gonna buy it, got board after about a week
m00ch0 said:
this sucks!!! dude wanna make an account on the same server?

Seeing as you haven't posted back I presume it's all fine now :D

If not, make sure you're entering in the correct case.

Join FIRE server!!!!!!
Yeah, if its a beta accoutn they closed them all a while ago (same happened to me). But tbh its the second most boring MMO I have played, D&D Online being the first
I had to wait about 5 mins b4 my key was authenticated

Been playing ever since and can safely say that its NOTHING like wow, im enjoying the change. Its quite slow to start and the chat UI is a nightmare but now @ lvl 12 im really starting to get into it.

Accretian warrior for the win :)
You can buy it online, and wait for it to be delivered. Most places will not send you the key in any other form than inside the box as it means opening it. Please use original thread :p
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