rfactor, quick reply please!

6 Mar 2004
hey, right i'm on the verge of buying rfactor but just before i do there are some questions i wanted to get straight! how good is the single player function? i do dabble in online action every now and then but its not always possible for me.. are most of the mods single player too?
cheers guys

I have both rFactor and LFS on my PC. I've still not made it online with either game. I've found the offline modes suit me at the moment. I need to learn to drive properly before I venture online.

You can buy rFactor and if you don't like it ask for a refund within 24 hours of buying it I think. Search the forums, I posted the link about the refunds for rFactor for someone else.
Last i heard it was possible to request a refund if you didnt like it, but that was a while ago and dont know if that offer is still available.
hellforleather said:
cracking cheers for the quick response guys.
without sounding stupid mods such as the Mclaren F1 etc. do work offline?
Nah you've failed there. You do sound a bit stupid.:rolleyes:

Yes they work fine offline. /quickly checks rFactor just to be sure.;)
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