RGB or YCBcr422? (New TV)

Do I use RGB or YCBcr422 on the PC/PS4? I cant get the picture looking right.
for blu-ray playback you are better going ycbcr, since blue ray encode is natively that, and players make errors converting to rgb
I had bookmarked this showing OPPO RGB errors

for PS4 (maybe it was xbox), i had thought they internally convert everything to rgb, so rgb is the best you can get out of them, silly to ask it to re-convert to ycbcr, giving further errors.
It's the same thing, it doesn't make a difference on PC.

With consoles in the mix it does though. I'm fairly sure the Xbox doesn't even support RGB full for instance, so then the TV would be washed out unless you were using a different HDMI input that had its own settings.
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