RHEL4 - Virtual Interfaces?

14 Dec 2003
Just a quick one, does anyone know if there is a limitation on the number of virtual interfaces that you can add to a RHEL4 machine? I can't find any docs about possible limitations on the RedHat site so far.

Not run into one before, how many were you planning on adding? Have had 400+ loopback aliases configured on RHEL 5 without problems, for what that's worth.
Sorry for the long delay in replying... I totally forgot about this thread. I'm looking to add ~10,000 addresses at the moment for some testing.

Did you use a script to add your interfaces or did add a ifcfg-eth0-range config?
well i managed to add a /19 to the box which is 8190 IP's. Tried the /18 but it complained.

Code if anyone is interested.

Y=0 ; for OCT3 in `seq 64 95` ; do for OCT4 in `seq 1 255` ; do echo -en "DEVICE=eth0:${Y} \nIPADDR=172.30.${OCT3}.${OCT4}\nNETMASK=\n\n" >> ifcfg-eth0:${Y} ; Y=`expr $Y + 1` ; done ; done
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