Ricoh Caplio R4

23 Jan 2006
anyone got one?

lets take a step back. I am by no means a photographer, but always seem to have things to take pictures of...people...places...bands etcetc.

I am always let down yb the quality of my pictures. probably something to do with the fact I either use my phone, or my 2 year old nikon coolpix 2100.

so. time for a new camera. set myself a 200quid limit (expansion cards etc i this limit)

and i figured I would like something with decent zoom and speedy pictures, as well as good quality.
after surfing for a few I found the ricoh. about 175quid is the cheapest I have seen. with a 7x optical lense, yet only 26mm thick (really need a pocket size camera, would love an SLR but I alreayd have too much to carry around)

any opinions/alternatives?

thanks in advance.
One of my colleagues has this camera, and the shots he has taken with it from his holiday in prague are quite good for desktop wall papers and smaller prints, no idea how the quality would hold up when printed at a larger size.

Basically for a point and shoot it isn't bad
I'd usually agree with anything Canon or Nikon based...

However the Ricohs are cracking little machines, with superb lenses as well.

I used to sell a lot of the R1V (black camera) and the R2 (silver with a lithium ion battery if memory serves), they were some of the first cameras with big 2.5" screens - superb cameras, don't dismiss them!
My girlfriend got an Ixus 65 back in the summer...I love everything about it and if you want to take good pictures, but don't really want to get to fiddly then its spot on :)
Fuji F11/F30 (Which can be had for £210 - if you look hard) are superb lkittle cameras and as you want to shoot 'Bands', the low light performance will wee all overthe Canons and Nikons.

Here's alink to some i took at weekend at the Disney On Ice even a the Manchester Arena - all totally unprocessed.




the other thing with the fujis is the 500 shots between charges copared to around half that on the Canons (Unsure of the Nikons)
a s/h Canon s70 is far superior - full manual mode and it has live exposure preview using the LCD whihc is a really cool and useful function. I use this when i don't want to use my big 30D/L combo and have been very happy with it's results (at low ISO)
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