Rider to pillion intercoms

My brother and I did a bit of research on this a few months ago and found that 2 walkie talkies and a head set turned out to be a bit cheaper and would work over a huge distance. But we wanted them as 2 separate riders rather than pillion/rider. Something like this for example: http://www.amazon.co.uk/PMR446-Walk...F8&qid=1392041683&sr=1-1&keywords=Cobra+MT975 with a VOX headset. Some swear by VOX, some hate it.

Other than that, I only really know of this: http://www.sportsbikeshop.co.uk/motorcycle_parts/content_prod/92812

We didn't end up getting either for whatever reason, but I'm sure we will once we do our Scotland trip.
Like with any kit, buy cheap, pay twice.

I bought some unbranded cheap stuff off eBay for Rider to Rider comms for a Europe trip and whilst it worked, it was always a bit of a pain, the range was rubbish and they were uncomfortable to wear. You're much better off buying the decent (more expensive) stuff first.

Let us know what these ones are like, I've heard good things about Scala comms.
Some had the Sena SMH10 on a trip to europe last year, worked very well for there pillion and can BT the music from phone and satnav.

Considering one myself this season.
Aldi/Lidl used to do battery-operated wired rider-2-pillion comms for about £5.
They worked amazingly well for the price and for that little, you'd still spend far less than buying a top end rig.
You'd get a couple each time round so that when they eventually broke you'd have a spare to tide you over until the next time they stocked them.
Same for their waterproofs, actually.

Beyond that, you'd be looking at PMR446 (MidlandAlan G7 or G8 set), CB radio (not a popular one, but I like it) or these Bluetooth types. Benefit there is that you'd also have bike-2-bike comms as well, should you need it.
I had a similar headset from the same company included with my satnav. It works great, but where it's mounted on your lid means it does take a bashing.
Got the Scala Rider set pro. Tested it out last night, did a read out to my mate whilst on the phone to him, called out mph as I went from 20 to 140. He could hear me and I could hear him perfectly fine. I had ear plugs in as well. MP3 playback is quite. So need to find a volume booster app.

Yet to test out rider to pillion, that will take place on Sat.

Down side at the moment, my helmet. The fitting for the speakers presses against my ears a bit and taking off my helmet hurts my left ear...

I just need to slowly adjust them over time. But my girlfriend has a lot of piercings in her ears, and I'm hoping her helmet has more ear space compared to mine.
See if you can remove some of the lining in your helmet and place the speaker behind it. It might feel weird at first, but the lining is softer than the plastic of the earpiece. At least, that's how I did it.
any update on how this is going?

looking for a decent intercom that doesnt cost more than my bike lol
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