Riders Eye View

Don't think so. When the car starts moving to the right, she does too in an attempt to avoid it, as your instinct would be to steer away from it, not in the direction its coming from. By the time she'd of realised he was going to do a complete U-Turn she's already well commited to go through the rapidly shrinking gap to the right.
Siliconslave said:
yer, it is a female rider you see her towards the end i think after they take the helmit off...

In these kinda situations what should they have done to help her after the accident? i'm pretty convinced she should have been on her back and that they shouldn't have taken her helmit off if she was having back pains, is that right?

Your supposed to keep them still and leave the helmet on unless there's good reason not to, but she sits up before help gets to her, then refuses to lie flat. She also asks them to take off her helmet and gloves, which they shouldn't have done really, but she was up and moving about quite a lot, which I'd imagine you wouldn't be doing if you'd done serious harm..
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