Riders of Icarus ** New MMO **

27 May 2007
Main Site
Steam page
Free Open Beta begins July 6th.
Founder's Pack owners get access June 29th.
About This Game
Take the battle to the sky with fantastical flying mount combat unlike anything you’ve seen before in Riders of Icarus, the new unprecedented action-adventure MMORPG experience that lets you ride and fight on the back of the realm’s most dangerous winged beasts… dragons. As a Rider with legendary combat abilities, you will explore a majestic world to tame, collect and train hundreds of different wild beasts as your very own mounts each with unique special abilities. Master the skills of aerial combat with other battle-ready heroes as you fight your way through an epic experience filled with massive boss battles by both land and air.

Rule the Skies in Battle: Become a legendary Rider of Icarus and master wild beasts to rule the skies. Ride fearsome winged mounts into explosive aerial battles as you scorch the skies of enemy legions and protect mankind from an ancient invading evil.

Collect Mythical Beasts: Explore fantastical lands filled with non-stop action and adventure to build your collection of mythical beasts. With hundreds of ground and aerial mounts to collect and train the sky is no longer the limit. Tame your destiny as you level up your mounts to become deadly weapons with special combat abilities.

Explore an Epic World: Let your imagination soar as you coordinate strategic aerial strikes with other heroes of all classes, both from afar with devastating magic or up close and personal with the game’s action-oriented melee combo system. Descend to the battlefield using ground mounts and conquer theatrical boss battles to acquire treasures and experience to upgrade your mount and rider.

Fly and Fight for Free: Immerse yourself in an action adventure free-to-play MMORPG where collecting wild beasts, riding combat-ready dragons, exploring an epic world and battling the most dangerous bosses with your friends is as FREE as the air you soar through.

I knew nothing about this game till I saw it this Friday starting either closed or open beta.
I had a little read and decided to give it a go, bought the £17.99 founder pack.

So far I have been pleasantly surprised with the game feels very solid and reminds me a lot of LoTRo for some reason, with maybe a bit of guild wars 2 thrown in (think because of the cut scenes)

If the game carries on as it has started will definitely try form the guild in it, there is nothing new in the game it feels very much like what we would consider a traditional MMO in as far as quest hubs and the type of quests, I'm only level 11 now so very early to call how good the game is, or end game, it just feels OK to play, something that's lacked for a while.
Looks decent for a free to play MMO as most are just ass; hopefully there's no pay to win. The flying combat looks a bit of a one trick pony though as from the gameplay videos it looks pretty generic which isn't necessarily a bad thing but it'll give people the feeling of "I've done this before" so they won't play for long. Just speculation though as I've not played it, just watched some game play videos.

Its quite a solid game to be honest, few issue, no inverted mouse, not the best chat system, few other small niggles, but overall its a pretty decent game, and I don't mind the 'seen it all and done it,' as long as its fresh and fun to play I'm happy, which so far to a degree it is.

This idea out there that every new MMO has to push the envelope is utter rubbish, provide a solid, social fun game and it will do ok, as so few these days provide all 3

I'm not saying this game will be huge but it certainly is not bad for now to play, just wish I had a bit more time to devote to it.
Review of ROI

It’s been a week or so since Riders of Icarus entered Open Beta (for Founders at least), and I’ve been finding it oddly cathartic and relaxing to delve into a new MMORPG that doesn’t seem afraid to let its Inspired-By flag fly. While a lot of Riders of Icarus is clichéd, the game’s got a certain sense of charm and I find myself wanting to log in regardless of knowing exactly where the adventure leads.

You see, like all theme park MMOs, I expect I’ll get to (or at least close to) the level cap in Nexon and WeMade’s game, and while I’ll have enjoyed my time playing I’ll move on and find myself longing for a game I can truly sink my teeth into. But remember, we have a luxury these days that the MMO gamers of the late 90s (many of them us) didn’t have. We have variety, we have multitudinous choices, and we can very easily hop from game to game enjoying what flavors they have to offer.

That’s not a bad thing. In fact, I reckon it’s part of why I’m enjoying Icarus a lot right now. I’ve been playing Black Desert Online and ESO pretty much solely for the better part of the past six months (minus review time for Blade & Soul, among others). Riders of Icarus is a nice change of pace from my two current games of choice in that it very much adheres to the “Ways of Old” while still offering a unique take on mounts, pets, and collecting. Even without PVP present in the game at this stage of Open Beta, there’s something alluring about the leveling, collecting, and looting. It’s charmingly old school, and it’s exactly what I needed right now in my gaming world. It won’t be that way for everyone, and that’s alright.

My insanely overpowered group taking on the first dungeon, Lavalight Cavern.

Crafting so far seems rather pointless, but I’ve started dabbling in it anyway. You get so much gear, and enough stones to upgrade or temper them to higher levels that it doesn’t really seem to be something necessary. It’s there to check off a box on a “What we need in an MMO” list, but at the very least it doesn’t seem too grindy a task to level up.

The joy in Riders of Icarus comes from something we’re familiar with after so many years of playing these games. It’s a fresh new world, there are loads of players, and everyone’s doing it all for the first time (well most of us, who didn’t go hardcore into the beta). That new car smell is still there, and I’m breathing it deeply in, even if part of me knows I’ll be left with a basic sedan at the end of the day.

I did my first dungeon, several times actually, last night with the help of higher level players looking to clear our achievements (which award you with cash shop currency or gear often). I can’t gauge how easy or hard the Lavalight Caverns are, but I got the impression that it’s supposed to be a short 2-boss affair that takes 30 minutes for the average group. For my 2-level 25 Wizard-wielding group, we made short work of the hardest difficulty setting in just around 5 minutes – leaving with tons of loot and cash in tow. When the party leader first enters a dungeon, he or she can choose what level of difficulty (from Story to Elite or Heroic) and then how hard the monsters are within that difficulty bracket from a range of 1 (easy) to 5 (hardest). It’s a nice touch, sort of reminiscent of City of Heroes, and the harder levels come with greater rewards too.

There’s a certain beauty to the game’s looks, even if it’s aging.

I’m almost 16 now, 9 levels from the current cap of 25, with the level 35 cap expected in a week or two. I definitely see myself getting there, but beyond that depends on how much there really is to do once PVP and more is added to the game. Right now, Riders of Icarus is a fun PVE escape from my usual MMO fare, and it’s a F2P MMORPG I can see myself returning to from time to time down the road. But I can already say I feel no desire to level another character, if simply because running through the same linear quest chains is something I no longer have the desire to do in any MMO.

Have you been trying Riders of Icarus? If so, what keeps you coming back? What do you expect to get from the game that you can’t get anywhere else? For me, it’s something new to play and honestly… that’s enough right now. I don’t feel like its gouging my wallet, and it’s been $25 well spent. But for the love of all that’s holy, Nexon and WeMade… can we get some better costumes and maybe some mounts in the Shop? I’d pay for anything but the Nazi-esque military garb.

I've not played much this week, as work has kept me busy, but I will spend a lot more time in this game.
whats it like i saw mixed reviews on steam
It's pretty decent, not been massively hyped, so no shout boys to run it down (yet)

Nothing new to it, except maybe the dragon flying, and there are some bad parts, think the chat system really sucks, and some movement is not brilliant, but that side I enjoy playing the game, my biggest gripe is no mouse invert option.
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