Riding Gear

I'd be too worried about it riding up and getting road rash, and also not sure how thick the kevlar lining is. Wouldn't want to come off at NSL in it.

As I said in the OP it'd only be for popping into town so I can un-zip it and not melt in my leather jacket.

I would be going 3 miles along 30/40mph zones and with all the traffic lights you're lucky if you get to that LOL.

I wouldn't wear this sort of thing if I was going anywhere near NSL!!

It is free returns to SBS.com so I might try it and send back if not for me.

Yes I would.

And unless you use stuff that zips to trousers not much stopping any garment ridding up. Unless it's extremely tight.
Also depends on journeys, if it's around town then I don't mind reducing protection, never be doing high speeds then anyway.

Kevlar jeans and tops are great if you're popping to cinema, pub or similar,

Basically what I was thinking, cinema, pub, mates house with out having to get fully kitted out.

I'd just wear it with my kevlar jeans

EDIT: found this on youtube.

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The ATGATT brigade has a strong following in some parts of the internet.

It's not a bad thing. At 30mph you can do some serious damage. gear does not just provide abrasion resistance, but twist/impact and other protection that can cause life changing injuries.

A serious hand/wrist fracture can be something you live with for the rest of your life.

Everyone should wear ATGATT, if people do not it's their choice. Does not stop me thinking they are foolish though.

With regards to ATGATT, would kevlar jeans and this kevlar hoody in question not be ATGATT?
This is steering slightly away from my original post although rather interesting.

I always wear boots, regardless of distance/speed. (Nasty story of a friends brother).

I also always wear gloves even if you end up with sweaty hands :P

It is just the hoody instead of a jacket for short (non-NSL) journeys to town/mates/cinema etc.

I know weather is changing away from summer now but was just curious. :)
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