Riding with Pillion first time-advice please

22 Oct 2004
Taking the girlfriend on back of bike for first time. Ive never had anyone on the back before so just looking for some advice. I just watched an excellent video on youtube about it. She's really small and don't weigh much probably about 40kg-45kg at a guess. I cant see her affecting the bike much surely. I ride a tiger 800xc so I should be alright.

Edit: on a separate note to agnes if your reading how are you getting on with the multi. Would be nice to see you write up a nice review on it :)
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Cheers, ok good advice thanks. The pillion has been on the back of her brothers bike so she knows what to do. How about steering will that be affected. During my bike training I had a pillion on once just to have a go. And that was on Hornet and he was a bit of a fatty. But I remember the steering being very hard but that may of been me being a beginner, rather than him being so FAT.
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