Right PSUs for a mining rig

26 Nov 2019

I need a advice regarding right PSUs to run mining rig.

Mining rig

3x 3060 ti connected through 1x risers (VER009S)
2x 3060 connected through PCI- E 3.0 16X Graphics Card Extension cable (https://smile.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B087D31XSJ/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o02_s01?ie=UTF8&psc=1)

I will have two power supplys

1x corsair gold 850w will run 2x 3060ti 550w (tdp 2x 200w + 2x risers 75w) + 1 x rtx 3060 170w (tdp 170w riser 0w) = 720w in its peak, all cards will be undervolt so it will be using less then 720w following the rull not to run more then 80% of max PSU power 24/7.

2x corsair gold 850w will run 1x 3060ti 275w (tdp 1x 200w + 1x risers 75w) + 1 x rtx 3060 170w (tdp 170w riser 0w) + mobo, cpu, mem, hdd, fans (around 200w) = 645w in its peak, all cards will be undervolt so it will be using less 645w following the rule not to run more then 80% of max PSU power 24/7.

I have read few guides and forums but if some one can double check my calculations and correct me if I am wrong.

Thank you in advance
For mining you only need those 1x pci-e risers so you could save some cash instead of those 16x risers.

If you're running a Linux OS like hiveOS then you don't need to worry about your overclocks going wrong so I'd say each card will run circa 130w. So I think you should have ample power.

If running Windows then you have to worry that afterburner crashes and you got max tdp so I'd recommend using something like hive. Should be good for the 3060 with their hash limiter too.

I am using a nicehash on windows for now, so to run rtx 3060 on full hashrate I need pci-e 3.0 x16 and because I need to run it away from mobo that is why I am using 16x riser. I am not planning to move to HiveOS for next few months.

Could someone clarifie for me another thing:

if you have a rtx 3060 Ti (it has TDP 200W, it is connected with 8pin and 6pin connector) cardis pluged to gpu riser x1 (connected with 6pin, 75W) Q is in its peak it will take 275W or 200W?
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