A year ago, I bought a Ring doorbell 4, a couple of chimes and because I had no idea what the battery life would be like, I also bought a spare battery.
The battery actually lasts about seven weeks, plus or minus a few days. The cold winter weather doesn't seem to make a lot of difference.
A month ago, I decided to buy the official Ring solar panel. Not the solar mount, the actual panel itself and I nailed it on my house. My house faces due east so it's only going to get direct sunlight for half the day and in the winter, just a handful of hours. We have a large bush (hur her) in our front garden and so I fitted the panel up quite high so it would get maximum exposure to the sun. It's about twelve feet high.
I deliberately didn't look at the battery health for a week. When I did check it, exactly a week after it was put up, the battery was at 99%. That's good.
I then checked it again after two weeks and the battery was at 90%. Hmm, not so good. I then checked it the next day and it was back to 99%.
I looked at it yesterday and it was at 90%. This morning, it's up to 98%. Tomorrow will have been three weeks since I put the panel up.
From this, I deduce that if the battery is 90% or above, it doesn't charge the battery but once it drops below 90%, it then tops it back up to full.
Bear in mind that we're in winter, it's been cold and overcast with only a few days of sunshine.
So I'm really pleased with this. I have the motion frequency set to 'regularly', I have HDR enabled and I have snapshots set to every 14 minutes.
This is the panel I bought although I got it from Amazon because of the ease of returning stuff if there's a problem.
If you have a battery powered Ring doorbell, I can thoroughly recommend the solar panel. If it can keep it charged like this in the winter, in the summer, it'll be a doddle.
The battery actually lasts about seven weeks, plus or minus a few days. The cold winter weather doesn't seem to make a lot of difference.
A month ago, I decided to buy the official Ring solar panel. Not the solar mount, the actual panel itself and I nailed it on my house. My house faces due east so it's only going to get direct sunlight for half the day and in the winter, just a handful of hours. We have a large bush (hur her) in our front garden and so I fitted the panel up quite high so it would get maximum exposure to the sun. It's about twelve feet high.
I deliberately didn't look at the battery health for a week. When I did check it, exactly a week after it was put up, the battery was at 99%. That's good.
I then checked it again after two weeks and the battery was at 90%. Hmm, not so good. I then checked it the next day and it was back to 99%.
I looked at it yesterday and it was at 90%. This morning, it's up to 98%. Tomorrow will have been three weeks since I put the panel up.
From this, I deduce that if the battery is 90% or above, it doesn't charge the battery but once it drops below 90%, it then tops it back up to full.
Bear in mind that we're in winter, it's been cold and overcast with only a few days of sunshine.
So I'm really pleased with this. I have the motion frequency set to 'regularly', I have HDR enabled and I have snapshots set to every 14 minutes.
This is the panel I bought although I got it from Amazon because of the ease of returning stuff if there's a problem.
If you have a battery powered Ring doorbell, I can thoroughly recommend the solar panel. If it can keep it charged like this in the winter, in the summer, it'll be a doddle.