RIP Arthur Fowler

19 Jun 2009
Central Scotland

Sad news. Another Eastenders original gone. But I'll be honest here, I thought he'd passed away a long time ago.

I was only 4 when Eastenders first started. Vague memories of its early days, but I became a bit of an addict as I grew older. Haven't watched it in years now.
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Yes, he was my Dad.
He lead a good long life, but my mum, sister and I still feel just so sad.

He'd been struggling for such a long time - but now he's free.

Yeah, I've been lurking on these forums for years now, then I just saw this thread so felt I had to chime in.
This is GD after all, so I'm sure you understand I had to check.

Please accept my condolencies. I'm sorry to hear your father was suffering. I have fond memories of watching him on EE as a child.
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