RIP iPhone

18 Oct 2002

Had a bit of a boating accident with my iPhone on Saturday and it's well and truly dead. If anyone was wondering, they don't like salt water much.

Going to have to claim on the old insurance but a £25 excess is better than paying the full price to replace it.

Was it salt water or fresh? I would try that but for the sake of £25 I could have a nice shiny new phone...

One thing I'm not sure about is this:

When I get the new one will I be able to sync everything as normal when I plug it in to my MBP?


Well I'm very impressed with O2. Phoned them this morning and I will have a new phone delivered to work by the end of play tomorrow!

Cheers for the reassurance Am. :)

Yeah I'm on O2 contract - £35 a month tariff with the O2 Premier cover for an extra £7.50 or something a month.

I phoned up, told them that I was out on a boat on Saturday, we got swamped by a big wave and the bag containing my phone got soaked through, resulting in a dead iPhone.

The nice O2 lady said; "no worries, we'll get you a replacement tomorrow" or words to that effect and after confirming the £25 excess I went on my merry way. :D

Are you like a Panzer that's been bjorn again? ;)

I'm not going to dignify that with a response. :p

To Fstop/Psypher: It still works out a hell of a lot cheaper than having to replace the phone myself + the fact that if I wreck this one, it's still only 7.50p/m + £25.

I can afford it and I think it's worth it. I certainly couldn't afford £400 for a PAYG if I didn't have the insurance!

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