RIP Jim Steinman

Good choice. Me and my missus at the time did both of those, and a few other tracks, on Karaoke for charity at The Rigger many moons ago, back when Kath was the landlady. Much quaffage had taken place and thank God it was long before phones had video cameras.

If you're doing nowt on May 21st my band is at The Gardeners but you'll have to put up with ABBA etc
What a naive person I must be...I assumed Meat Loaf wrote those songs!

After the first album Meatloaf lost his voice, even drank his own urine to get it back.
Steinman wrote the second album but Meatloaf was incapable so Steinman sang it himself.
The outstanding track was what I posted in the first post and Meatloaf did a sub standard version years later.

Meatloaf first sang for Ted Nugent.
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