RIP Keith Floyd

14 Jul 2003

Celebrity chef Keith Floyd dies
Breaking News

Celebrity chef Keith Floyd has died following a heart attack, aged 65.

He died at his partner's home in Dorset after the heart attack on Monday night, according to the ghost-writer of his autobiography, James Steen.

Floyd, from Faringdon in Oxfordshire, shot to fame in the 1980s in highly distinctive cookery shows, often fronted with a glass of wine in hand.

His idiosyncratic, often shambolic, style of presentation endeared him to millions of viewers around the world.

Have a glass of red wine to him when you get in from work guys
Another legend gone, guess he got his just desserts

In all seriousness, it's always a shame, condolances to the friends and family

I'll always remember his Pipérade episode where the French lady whose house it was being filmed in told him his food was rubbish. All the time he's cooking he’s translating all the abuse she’s giving him. Finishes the recipe and she says to him “look, I saw how you cooked that, I know it’s going to be awful” tastes it and says something like "it needs salt, it needs pepper, it needs herbs!" Then she cooks him a proper one.

He tastes it and says “yes, she’s right, mine looks like scrambled eggs with ratatouille and tastes like it, hers is much better”.

RIP - Was sad watching last night's show, seeing how frail he was at that point. Seemed like the stresses of working abroad/travelling drove him to drink more and more.
He was only on TV last night!
I think that visit by Keith Allen finished him off
He lived without any great regrets, and smoked and drank too much ''because I want to''
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